Steroids Essay,The Steroids Epidemic Essay
WebSteroids Essay Steroid Vs Injectable Steroids. Since its first production in the ’s and its rise in the ’s, steroids have Androgenic Steroids. Anabolic-Androgenic WebOct 2, · “Steroids are generally used in cycles and are often taken in stacks.” (Lenahan, 34) When athletes take steroids they are taking lab induced testosterone. WebSteroids and its Effect On Students and Athletes Steroids are a drug commonly used for medicinal purposes. Whether that purpose be hormonal imbalances or breast cancer, all WebFeb 11, · A steroid is an organic compound that occurs in plants and animals. They have many functions, including respiration, tissue building, and the production of sex WebSteroids are in your body to help your body with stress and puberty; there are medical steroids and these are taken for pain, asthma, or a skin problem but, these aren’t the ... read more
Baseball players seem not to care about the serious consequences a human being may suffer from consuming steroids. Some of the most serious effects of this illicit substance are high blood pressure, heart disease, liver damage, cancer and an increase risk of ligament and tendon injuries. Throughout the course of the season many injuries have been reported and a significant amount of players have been placed on the disabled list. Sports can teach us so many things. We learn to take responsibility, work hard towards a common goal, and sportsmanship towards one another.
This is the level where a strong foundation for these principles is built. High school sports provide an outlet for some students as well as a place for healthy competition until the competition gets too intense. Most anabolic steroids are not just looked down upon but illegal. Doping is a common term for using performance-enhancing steroids. Steroid use in high school sports should be banned because it leads to severe health problems, gives an unfair advantage, and defeats the purpose for high school sports. Steriods is used medical reasons not just for muscles it helps out people who have asthma but even though they somewhat helps them its also bad for their bodys. Steriods shouldnt even be used for health reasons like that it is a very bad drug than can mess up a lot inside you.
The Marquette University says " steriods should not be usedeven for medical reasons because they have a negative effect on the human body", if its not good for health reasons than why should it still be used as enhancers for professional athletes. It seems that the use of steroids in sports should be allowed. According to Saculescu, Foddy, and Clayton the legalization of performance enhancing drugs in sports would be fairer and safer. One of the drugs used in sports, erythropoietin EPO , is a growth hormone and found naturally in the body Clyaton et. These drugs are also so advanced that they can actually mimic certain natural processes which make them harder to be detected.
One of the biggest discussions on this subject is the topic of cheating. But as people have created sports, they also create the rules and decide what is classified as cheating. So if the use of steroids became legal it would no longer be considered cheating. Saculescu et al. They also believe that sports would become safer because they could test the athletes for the drugs but instead of banning them completely, they could be restricted to a certain limit. This limit of course would create fairness throughout the athletes as well as making sure the athletes are only using a healthy amount. As an avid sports fan, one of my biggest concerns in professional sports today has been the health and wellness of the athletes participating in the games.
There are several arguments for the use of these enhancements by the athletes that we cannot really argue with. As an individual, any one person is responsible for choosing the supplements that they put in their body either for health purposes or for enhancing their physical attributes Procon. org, n. When you say that an athlete cannot use substances considered performance enhancing, you are basically taking away their…. There are so many different kinds of people who use steroids; mainly they are athletes who want to compete or kids who are trying it for the first time and other school athletes.
Coaches in the gym take steroids so they will look more muscular and huge from those who are training. On the other side, some people who perform hard work like policeman, fireman uses steroids to be more energetic. Models, dancers, and movie stars all of them take steroids for a better image. Steroids have a medical use too. They help many patients who go through surgery; many others use steroids to fight problems resulting from HIV and AIDS. The use of steroids has some benefits, but if these benefits are taken advantage of than they can tarnish the competition of sports.
Ben Johnson was one of the first superstar athletes to be caught using steroids and was stripped of his m gold medal at the Olympics. He was eventually banned for life in for testing positive again Richardson Professionals such as Barry Bonds, Jose Canseco, and Hulk Hogan have all been humiliated and are now seen as cheaters after being caught using steroids. It is too late to stop these sports fuelled on drugs because of the large number of athletes using, so why not consider drug use as a way to level the playing field? We should stop all the hypocrisy and allow pro athletes to take whatever performance drugs they please. Numerous other competitive sports have athletes repeatedly pumping strength-building substances into their bodies from day to day.
The harsh consequences and possible suspension from the game does not faze them as they continue to put themselves in danger of the deadly side effects. Steroids seem to be popular in the sport's world today. There are professional athletes who have taken and still take steroids, but who can blame them? Steroids are great for the body. They make one stronger, more muscular, and give athletes better endurance. So what if they can make people unhappy or violent, the muscular results of taking steroids are well worth the side effects.
Steroids help the body so much; it does not matter if a couple of things go wrong in the body. Baseball may be America's past time, but baseball is out now; it is now time for steroids. The United State is a country that thrives on competition. We idolize our sports stars and practically make major athletic events holidays. Children grow up with their favorite athletes plastered to the wall of their bedrooms and dream that one day they will be the next Barry Bonds, Shaqullie O 'Neal, or Tom Brady. Professional athletes train year-round to be in ideal psychical shape in order to perform their best. But what happens when their best just isn 't good enough? We expect our sports stars to be perfect, upstanding citizens and role models but this isn 't always the case.
The recent exposure of athletes using steroids has exploded into a phenomenon involving athletes all around the world. It has cheapened sports and cast doubt on the integrity of our athletes. Steroid use is not exclusive to professional sports. More and more college and high school athletes are beginning to use steroids for many of the same reasons that the pros do; to enhance performance, get an edge on the competition, and improve personal appearance. Every athlete has the motivation to always strive for success, the drive to win and be the best weather its in high school, college, or the pros. Every athlete will try to get just a little bit bigger, stronger, faster, try to increase the amount of weights they lift by just a few pounds.
They will try to become the best of the best, try to be better than any athlete before them. As athletes are getting stronger, faster, and ultimately genetically kore advanced it gets hard for anyone in specific to really stand out and compete. To achieve these goals many athletes will take extreme measures and turn to performance enhancing drugs such as steroids. The use of performance enhancing drugs is becoming more and more popular among athletes, many of them don't…. HOME ESSAYS Essay On Steroids. Essay On Steroids Better Essays.
Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Steroids in the United States One of the biggest controversies in the United States is the uses of steroids. Steroids have been a great benefit to people in need with medical condition, but as many other drugs steroids have been greatly abused. This abuse has turned in an ongoing problem with athletes at the college and professional levels. This performance enhancing drug has caused athletes that have used it to have their careers ended or greatly changed.
Take for instance Berry Bonds. A professional baseball player who played 22 seasons in Major League Baseball. There was a time when athletes were special with just their gifted talents and ability to work hard. Those who took advantage of their gifts went to the professional leagues and even became one of the best in their sports. After the late s though, something happened, there was the evolution of steroid use in sports. Now days anyone with a good connection to steroids and good advice on how to take it, has an opportunity to increase their physical performance on a higher level. As much as steroids help athletes have an unfair advantage over others, it also contains many side effects, which can negatively affect athletes in the long term.
Steroids can also refer to medicine taken for asthma, pain and skin problems. And then there are the steroids which are constantly being used in sport, they are synthetic drugs that are often used by professional athletes in order to increase the production of testosterone. They are available in pills, powder or injections. They are illegal in sport as they give players an unfair advantage and can cause serious health problems. There have been many claims that state that the use of performance enhancing drugs dates back to the beginning of competitive sports and…. Steroids promote muscle growth and the development of male sexual characteristics National Drug Treatment Center. Consequently, steroids are often abused by athletes to enhance athletic performance and to improve physical appearance National Drug Treatment Center.
Steroids are available in many ways including tablets, liquid, gel, and cream form National Drug Treatment Center. Charles Yesalis, a steroids expert, believes these drugs can affect you for a long time. They can take you to a place you neither have the time nor the ability to get to yourself, and if you continue with the right exercise and diet, you don 't go back to zero" Brennan. Steroids come in a variety of way to be consumed: injected, swallowed, and snorted. These steroids build muscle to help one perform. Main steroids are HGH Human Growth Hormone , anabolic steroids. All makes will make one stronger, all can end ones career.
Anabolic steroids are the most effective and have the worst long term affects. Instead of better performance, the user may face weeks or months on crutches, in a brace, in pain. HGH which is a safer alternative of steroids is also used by a lot of athletes. Most people want to look and perform better. Many people want to be stronger to make themselves look and perform better. Some people achieve this through the use of anabolic steroids. Steroids are a great way to look and perform better, but they can also have many negative effects. What are anabolic steroids? Anabolic steroid is the familiar name for synthetic substances related to the male sex hormones; androgens.
They promote the growth of skeletal muscle and the development of male sexual characteristics, and also have some other effects. In the medical field, steroids are used for treating delayed puberty, wasting of the body due to such condition as HIV, and osteoporosis. Anabolic steroids are developed to copy the body building traits of testosterone while reducing its masculine effects. Also, it helps the body to retain dietary protein and aiding growth of muscles, bones, and skin. Steroids are commonly used by bodybuilders, weightlifters, and other athletes. Anabolic steroid abuse has become a national concern among high school athletes. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of athletes using these performance enhancing drugs in high school almost double the number using since the 's.
These athletes feel that steroids gives them the competitive edge that they think they need to boost themselves past the competition. According to scientists, steroids are substances that occur naturally, but they have found a way to artificially create them. Some of those artificial versions help the body build muscle and supply more energy for longer periods of time Britannica. The pressure to excel and be the best pushes them into using stimulants and performance-enhancing drugs to add an edge to their abilities. Anabolic steroids, shots of modified testosterone, increase body mass and build muscle tissue. Should Steroids be legalized in professional sports? Steroids are one of a large group of chemical substances classified by a specific carbon structure.
There are several types of performance-enhancing drugs: anabolic steroids, stimulants, human growth hormone and supplements. The use of drugs to enhance performance in sports has occurred since the time of the original Olympic Games from to BC The origin of the word 'doping' is attributed to the Dutch word 'dope,' which is a viscous opium juice, the drug of choice of the ancient Greeks. Many sports associations are now involved in monitoring and testing players for banned PED use. An important issue regarding this topic, is whether steroids should be legalized in professional sports? The major arguments are the following: are steroids safe? Are the penalties fair and consistent? And are steroids beneficial? After careful examination, it will be proven that steroids should be illegal in all professional sports because of major health issues.
Steroids are used to enhance the body, and increase the amount of work output that someone can do. Steroids are much more efficient than working out. Why waste time working out when one could just sit at home, and take steroids. People who work out are ignorant and need to get with the program; they need to realize they are wasting their time, and doing work that steroids can do for them. Just think, in the time one is spending working out, they could be doing their favorite hobby if they were on steroids. Steroids kills two birds with one stone; one is getting stronger, and one is free to do anything they choose because they are not wasting time working out.
If more people took the steroid path, then there might be a cure for all diseases by now. Steroids also known as 'roids, juice, hype, or pump are any drugs or hormonal substances chemically related to testosterone, a male hormone that helps muscle growth. Anabolic means "building body tissue. The competitive drive to win at all cost is fierce among athletes. Winning at all cost often includes using one of many performance enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids. Many athletes use performance enhancing drugs, like steroids, to achieve higher goals and set higher records than other drug-free successful athletes. Although athletes are performing at higher levels when using such drugs, what is the cost?
Finally anabolic steroids should remain banned from sports because their use results in many harmful side effects; because their use violates sports regulations, and because their use can cause death. There are many different kinds of steroids; the most popular being anabolic steroids. When all is said and done, Anabolic-Androgenic steroids are pretty much nothing more than man-made testosterone. When they are used legally, which is for medical purposes, they are used to treat patients that have diseases which result in the loss of lean muscle mass.
However, if you do not have one of these diseases and you use steroids, you are using them illegally.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when steroids are discussed? Is it positive? What comes to mind for me is the vision of an extremely large man with bulging muscles like we see in bodybuilding competitions. But what drove this movement? There is no way to possibly limit this phenomenon into one single cause, but rather I can hazard a guess as to what I believe may be at the root of this ideal change. America, since the time it was founded, has grown increasingly confident in itself. This mindset has. To many professionals are getting accused of using the harmful drug.
Professional baseball players are getting tested twice a year for anabolic substances throughout the course of the regular season. In order to stop steroids in MLB, commissioners should pass random drug testing. By having random drug tests in Major League Baseball throughout the season, it would fix the problems that baseball is. Most of the time people who use steroids are athletes looking to increase their muscle mass quickly. The effects of abusive use of anabolic steroids in children and adults are difficult to occur, but can be life-threatening. Basically, all athletes who use steroids in large numbers will suffer adverse effects, such as difficulty in sperm production or menstruation, acne, hair loss and mild psychological disorders.
Many of the athletes who believe that steroids do not reach directly through the central nervous system. These athletes claim that the steroid makes them feel more. Anabolic steroids are similar to the effects of the male testosterone, that buildup cellular tissue in muscles, they also have androgenic effects which will create unfavorable feminine or masculine characteristics, such as, growth of hair and vocal cords, but. When was the last time you saw a sporting event and thought what you just saw was incredible? That whoever just did that was superhuman? Now put this through your mind. That athlete could improve his or her already superb skills into something even greater.
This can be possible with the help of steroids. There is a current debate of allowing steroids to be legal in sports. Steroids should not be allowed in sports. Some people ask why. This research paper will give those people just a few of the many reasons why it should not be allowed. Through examining dangers of steroid abuse, ethics in sports, and characteristics of individuals who take and use steroids, it is evident that steroids should not be allowed in sports. The drug was made to help with many medical problems such as testosterone, growth, sexual functioning, and other medical problems such as helping people with HIV to help grow musical. It also helps with many other diseases. Like any other drug on the market people learn that the drug can be used for many other ways.
The use of steroids has become a widespread problem. Steroid use has caused many help problems with the misuse of the drug and has caused the drug to be illegal for people to use them in. Abstract: With the increase of competition has also come the need to become bigger and stronger than the opponent. The use of steroids among athletes has caused the focus of the game to change. No longer does an athlete want to win by doing their best, but they want to become bigger and have an advantage over the opponent. Ultimately, all athletes feel that they need to use performance-enhancing drugs to compete at the same level. Despite all of the warnings and information on performance-enhancing drugs, athletes continue to use them and overlook the potential health risks associated with steroids.
The fans were crazed in anticipation as Mark McGwire stepped to the plate. With a gentle stretch, he paused, patiently poised, waiting for what would eventually be the greatest hit baseball had ever seen. The pitcher, Steve Trachsel, came set. He shot a determined look to the dirt. In a rivalry such as this Cubs, Cardinals he did not want to be the one to give up the great number He cocked his arm back, to let loose what would be an eighty-eight mile an hour fastball that most men would not see fly by, but Big Mac was not most men. With one mighty swing, sixty-one was no more, ney sayers were silenced, and the game. Anabolic steroids are taken by tablet, injection, and also by pads on the skin.
Even with the possible benefits that steroids could possibly have there are many many more dangers. Some of these include deep depression, aggression, and bad nervousness. Some physical dangers include high blood pressure, liver disorders, and even going bald. The athlete that makes the poor decision to use steroids, also faces the danger of getting caught and being suspended or even banned from the professional sport of which they. Steroids, ever since their introduction into the sports world five decades ago, they have been a controversial issue WebMD medical news. Anabolic performance dates as far back as the original Olympic Games.
Today walking into any gym you will find some one who is using steroids or some kind of enhancement supplement. Anabolic steroids are so popular with athletes from high School level all the way up to the top. For the past fifty years, athletes around the world use steroids to gain muscle mass, and along with regular work-outs try to achieve the results they desire. Kids today using these drugs are getting younger and younger every day. But is it worth the cost? I believe the ban on steroids should be strictly. Anabolic and androgenic steroids come in many different forms. The most popular form is a pill and is easy to take. The draw back of the pill is it is hard on the liver and kidneys because it passes through the system in a couple of hours.
Another popular form is cream. The draw back is it is very ineffective. The last form is injection. Injecting straight into the muscle gives the best results. Most serious athletes that use enhancement drugs take pills every day of their cycle and inject three times a week. Are you aware of 52 German athletes given anabolic steroids during the 's and 's who were examined in a study, one quarter got some form of cancer, one third reported thoughts or attempts of suicide, and the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth was 32 times higher than in the normal German population.
Drugs use in sports such as steroids, can be good for the moment of the game, but after it could affect your body. But like all hormones, which regulate the body's most basic functions, throwing one's testosterone out of balance can have wide-ranging consequences. It is true that steroids build up your muscle although they are powerful hormones and affect the whole body. Side effects may include abnormally high levels of testosterone in the body and may include high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, liver damage, heart failure, acne, baldness, as well as aggressive and violent behavior. The use of drugs such as steroids, should not come into play when it comes to athletes, to play a sport you must have natural talent and not use steroids to make you even better, you gain an unfair advantage.
The use of steroids in our society today is very common, that is with prescription. But that is not the kind of steroids I am talking about, I am talking about Anabolic Steroids. Anabolic steroids are a very sensitive issue in the world of sports today. Even though the side effects are life threatening, men and woman alike continue to submit their bodies to this illegal drug. Anabolic steroids are taken either through pills or injected directly into the blood stream with a needle. In , 1,, Americans, or 0. Nonmedical anabolic steroids are banned by most major sports organizations, yet some athletes proceed to use them to enhance their sports game.
It may help them now, but in the long run it it causes serious physical and psychological problems. Both teens and adults use steroids. It is believed that many athletes use anabolic steroids to increase their muscle mass and also their strength. Anabolic steroids are a group of synthetic hormones that promote the storage of proteins and the growth of tissue, sometimes used by athletes to increase muscle size and strength. Since then other athletes including those involved in recreational sports and non-competitive sports have started using the steroids. Steroids are also being used by many school age children.
Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research Essay about Steroids. Essay about Steroids Decent Essays. Open Document. Steroids In the past three decades, steroids has been becoming a serious problem more than ever in the athletic field. Steroids are anabolic drug "to build" growth hormones that include the androgens male sex hormones principally testosterone and estrogen and progestogens female sex hormones. Steroids were first developed for medical purposes. They're used in controlling inflammation, strengthening weakened hearts, preventing conception, and alleviating symptoms of arthritis and asthma. Unfortunately research has shown that steroids have been abused in almost every kind of sport. Although steroids contribute to a muscular body, usage should remain illegal because they physically deteriorate and mentally destroy the body.
Many …show more content… However, steroids should remain illegal because they physically deteriorate the whole body system. When injected one risks the chances of developing hematoma and contracting AIDS. In women steroids contribute to the growth of facial hair, enlargements of the clitoris, shrinkage of the uterus, sterility, deepening of the voice, decrease in breast size and irregularity of the menstrual cycle. In men steroids cause shrinkage of the testicles, decrease in sperm count, sterility, impotence, prostate enlargement and growth of female breast.
In both men and women hair loss, liver ailments, acne, atherosierosis and cancer are very common.
Essay about Steroids,Steroids in Sports
WebSteroids and its Effect On Students and Athletes Steroids are a drug commonly used for medicinal purposes. Whether that purpose be hormonal imbalances or breast cancer, all WebFeb 11, · A steroid is an organic compound that occurs in plants and animals. They have many functions, including respiration, tissue building, and the production of sex WebThe Cortico steroids are made in such a way that they mimic the function of the naturally occurring cortisone in the human body. Cortisone deals with injuries in the body by WebDec 11, · For example, anabolic steroid is a very common type of enhancing drug which has been associated with many negative reports on its effects. But as Michael WebThesis: While many individuals are convinced that steroids are harmless, the facts indicate that the sports associations should give penalties for steroid usage. II. Supporting WebSteroids Essay Steroid Vs Injectable Steroids. Since its first production in the ’s and its rise in the ’s, steroids have Androgenic Steroids. Anabolic-Androgenic ... read more
while the expectancy of reactions will differ, changes in the athletes mindset is a given. Fish, L. Steroids In Sports. omen do not take steroids as often as men, but they also experience the full range of effects, from growing body and facial hair to increased aggression, as well as the same long-term health effects Steroids. There is no way to possibly limit this phenomenon into one single cause, but rather I can hazard a guess as to what I believe may be at the root of this ideal change. Summary In this essay, the author Explains that steroids are compounds that enhance our ability to grow muscles. It is also full of the contradictions that make Dubai titillating, including the sharp differential created between ancient and modern.
Is it fair for an athlete to use steroids while playing? Why waste time working out when one could just sit at home, and take steroids. This paper argues in favor of reducing baseball players' salaries through more aggressive salary caps as a way of… Works Cited Donovan, John. highly competitive athletes are banned from competing for anywhere from weeks to three years. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. As an avid sports fan, steroids essay, one of my biggest concerns in professional sports today steroids essay been the health and wellness of the athletes participating in the games. Children do imitate their heroes to a large extent, and baseball players, steroids essay, along with other professional athletes, are heroes to many children and steroids essay.
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