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Essays on natural disasters

Essays on natural disasters

Essay on Natural Disasters: Top 12 Essays | Geography,Latest Posts

Web3 rows · Essays About Natural Disasters: 5 Examples and Prompts. Essays about natural disasters teach Web+ Words Essay on Natural Disasters. A natural disaster is defined as an event of nature, which overwhelms local resources and threatens the function and safety of the WebNatural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, typhoons, and hurricanes inflict serious damage and so seem to be bad for the economy. For firms, natural disasters destroy WebJan 25,  · Nature possesses the character of a special balance in which all living beings live together in harmony with their environment. But whenever this balance is disturbed, WebNatural Disasters are never a good thing. In areas where they happen, they affect everything in a negative way. They can destroy whole town, cities, the economy, infrastructure, and ... read more

Government and National Disaster Management Authority should launch some programmes to make people prepared for any type of natural disaster. A Natural disaster is an unforeseen natural event that causes massive harm to the world. Some natural disasters are now predictable before their occurrence but prevention of most of the natural phenomena is about next to impossible. But we can reduce the quantity of damage by an upcoming natural disaster. It is time to adapt the way to live for sustainable development. Nature holds a super destructive potential that can not be finely estimated.

The last two are considered purely man-made disasters. A natural disaster can leave a huge quantity of damage and destruction. It affects living beings and the environment. Sometimes it can be a reason for thousands of deaths and billions of monetary value. A natural disaster is classified into three levels. In conclusion, various natural disasters have been confirmed to be fatal. People must take sensible measures in the time of emergencies that will help them get out of it. It is correctly said that Nature can create and nature can destroy. These events are quite damaging to the environment and also may destroy the life of living beings on earth. The strength of a natural disaster is divided into three types.

The first ones cover a diameter of 50 to km and make lower damage. The second type covers a diameter of to km and is more destructive than the first one. The third is a large-scale natural disaster that covers more than km and it is the most destructive type of natural disaster. A natural disaster occurs because of many reasons. Landslide occurs because of gravitational forces. Some natural disasters occur because of internal geological activities. Some disasters are a result of one natural disaster. For example, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can cause landslides and avalanches.

But it is to be noted that many natural disasters are triggered due to human activities. Hence, we need to regulate human activities to save the environment and prevent climate change. Draught is a condition of low groundwater levels and it is considered one of the human-generated natural disasters. This happens because the pacific Rim bordering the ocean has a large number of submarine earthquake zones. Meanwhile tsunamis have also happened in the Mediterranean sea region. A tsunami is also expected to happen in Natural Disasters Ocean. I was sitting in front of my desk when suddenly a message arrived on my phone with an alert from the national weather bureau letting the population knew that a tornado was on its way to the area where I live. I was terrified when Tornado Natural Disasters.

Introduction Natural hazard refers to catastrophic events or phenomenon of atmospheric, geological, and hydrological origins that can cause fatalities, property damage, social environmental disruption and can indirectly cause social grievances and resource scarcities. These includes earthquake, tornadoes, Volcanic eruption, tsunamis, floods, typhoons and thunderstorms, hurricanes A tornado is a destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath the base of a thunderstorm connecting to the ground.

It is made up of water, dust, and debris. A tornado is the most violent of Natural hazards have always fascinated me and therefore I made a decision to write this article on the subject. Earthquakes just like other hazards of nature are unpredictable and remain one of the most devastating among all natural disasters. A disturbing yet an inevitable fact Nature is the most precious thing that the earth has. However, there are times when Mother Nature gets angry and natural disasters come down. It may be a long-term rainstorm causing flooding, which may be prolonged droughts, etc.

No matter how it occurs, natural disasters Abstract Climate change has, since the s become an increasingly unanimous science, with fewer and fewer people dissenting to the view that man is causing the climate to shift, i. is the cause of anthropogenic climate change. However, solutions to this used to be viewed Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, typhoons, and hurricanes inflict serious damage and so seem to be bad for the economy. For firms, natural disasters destroy tangible assets such as buildings and equipment as well as human capital and thereby deteriorate their production capacity. Hurricane Katrina is one of only a handful of catastrophic events that will never be overlooked.

The result impacts of this storm were very damaging, and most people were still in shock months to years later. This event is close to being as tragic as Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Natural Disasters. Hurricane Dorian hit the Abaco Islands in September 1st. with winds of mph. Grand Bahama was later affected at an identical intensity, northern side hit with the as a minimum wind speed for 24hrs. That resulted to the utmost catastrophic damages; most structures In many instances, disasters act as catalysts in the adoption of new and emerging technologies. Spawned by the need to rapidly collect vital information for disaster management, technology innovations have often helped emergency responders to assess the impact of large disasters more efficiently and rapidly, Storm Natural Disasters.

Abstract The location of Puerto Rico makes it vulnerable to seismic activity due to the different sources that surround the Island. This is why the risk of a tsunami affecting the island increases as it did in The Puerto Rico Trench, located to the Puerto Rico Natural Disasters. Their hometown was hit by a tornado, and they felt the urge to offer their help to the townsfolk. They realized that when a disaster occurs more so naturally, there is In the 21st century the world has been taken aback by the yearly natural and man-made disasters that have occurred everywhere. No matter how prepared we believe are there is always area of improvement or an area of learning after each and every disaster. Nuclear waste — hundreds of millions of gallons of it — are buried underground after the Cold War.

Years later, it threatens to contaminate major sources of food and water for an entire nation. The essay further expounds on each point and gives specific directions on successfully implementing these precautions. However, human activity can definitely interfere with nature, which in turn may either cause a natural disaster or make its impacts much worse. She offers an example of earthquakes and the fluid injection incident in the Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Denver, Colorado. Finally, she acknowledges human speeds up disasters and human elements are innate in these equations. Rich countries should support poverty-stricken nations with altruistic aid while calamities take place… Being rich, similar nations are in a position to support countries that suffer economically and emotionally during nature havoc.

The result of this is, not only induces good relations between countries but also paves the way to commercial transactions with minimized taxes in the future. Pradeep supports that countries with more resources should aid those with lesser assets. These relationships can result in successful transactions and give comfort and security to grief-stricken countries. He also includes business reviews that rationalize high prices by arguing increasing prices prevents product hoarding. There is only one answer: man. it must be conserved. The author offers reports to present the unpredictability of these disasters brought by climate change. To further prove their points, the author lays down facts like the quick rising of the sea and changing rain patterns. At the end of the essay, the writer urges man to be an environmentalist because he depends on his surroundings for food and shelter.

Therefore, to survive, humans must treat nature well. A tip: Run your essay through essay writing apps to organize and help you with style and grammar. There are many aspects of natural disasters you can zero in on. Here are easy but compelling prompts to tackle:. Share your experience with a calamity, and narrate what happened before, during, and after. Include how it affected your life and how you understand things work, such as the importance of first responders and following authorities in times of panic and chaos.

Then, focus on your personal experience. For example, your family might have to move places because you lost your home. Or that today, you always have an emergency bag packed and ready. List down notable natural disasters that changed the course of the world. This could include volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and hurricanes. Then, explain why they happened, how the government or country dealt with it, and discuss the precautions executed in case the disaster occurs again.

The definition of natural disasters is any catastrophic event that is caused by nature or the natural processes of the earth. The severity of a disaster is measured in lives lost, economic loss, and the ability of the population to rebuild. Events that occur in unpopulated areas are not considered disasters. So a flood on an uninhabited island would not count as a disaster, but a flood in a populated area is called a natural disaster. All natural disasters cause loss in some way. Depending on the severity, lives can be lost in any number of disasters. Falling buildings or trees, freezing to death, being washed away, or heat stroke are just some of the deadly effects. Some disasters cause more loss of life than others, and population density affects the death count as well.

Fields saturated in salt water after tsunamis take years to grow crops again. Homes destroyed by floods, hurricanes, cyclones, landslides and avalanches, a volcanic eruption, or an earthquake are often beyond repair or take a lot of time to become livable again. Personal effects, memorabilia, vehicles, and documents also take a hit after many natural disasters. The natural disasters that really affect people worldwide tend to become more intense as the years go on. Frequency of earthquakes, mega storms, and heat waves has gone up considerably in the last few decades.

Heavy population in areas that get hit by floods, cyclones, and hurricanes has meant that more lives are lost. In some areas, the population has gotten somewhat prepared for the eventuality of disasters and shelters are built for hurricanes and tornadoes. Scientists, geologists, and storm watchers work hard to predict major disasters and avert as much damage as possible. But there arestill natural disasters that come up rather unexpectedly, such as earthquakes, wildfires, landslides, or even volcanic eruptions. Areas that are not used to disasters affected by flash floods or sudden hail storms can be affected in an extreme way. However, despite the many natural disasters the world over, mankind has shown amazing resilience.

When an area or country is badly affected by a natural disaster, the reaction is always one of solidarity and aid is quick to come. There are organizations set up with the primary goal of being prepared for natural disasters. These groups work on global and local scale rescue work. Many people talk about when a disaster has hit and their neighbours and countrymen have come to aid, often to their own loss. People will step in and donate items, time, and skills in order to help those affected by a natural disaster. Celebrities will often do what they can to raise money through concerts, phone marathons, and visiting affected areas with aid.

People have also shown that they can rebuild, lives can be remade or start over. Trauma is a big after effect of natural disasters and getting counseling has been the focus of aid-to heal emotionally as well as physically. However, science is making it more possible to predict, aid is faster at coming, and people are learning how to rebuild in safer areas. India is having a high risk towards earthquakes. During the last 20 years, India has experienced 10 major earthquakes that have resulted in more than 35, deaths. The most vulnerable areas, according to the present seismic zone map of India include the Himalayan and Sub-Himalayan regions, Kutch and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Though the regions of the country away from the Himalayas and other inter-plate boundaries were considered to be relatively safe from damaging earthquakes, the presence of a large number of non-engineering structures and buildings with poor foundations in these areas make these regions also susceptible to earthquakes. In the recent past, even these areas also have experienced earthquake, of lower magnitude than the Himalayan earthquakes. The North-eastern part of the country continues to experience moderate to strong earthquakes. On an average, this region experiences an earthquake with magnitude greater than 5.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are situated on an inter-plate boundary and therefore are likely to experience damaging earthquakes frequently. The increase in the use of high-technology equipment and tools in manufacturing and service industries have also made them susceptible to disruption due to relatively moderate ground shaking. The country receives an annual precipitation of million hectare meters. The flood hazard is compounded by the problems of sediment deposition, drainage congestion and synchronization of river floods with sea tides in the coastal plains. The area vulnerable to floods is 40 million hectares and the average area affected by floods annually is about 8 million hectares.

About 30 million people are affected by flood every year. Floods in the Indo-Gangetic-Brahmaputra plains are an annual feature. Drought prone areas comprise About 50 million people are affected annually by drought. Of approximately 90 million hectares of rain-fed areas, about 40 million hectares are prone to scanty or no rain. Of these, the majority has their initial genesis over the Bay of Bengal and strike the east coast of India. On an average, five to six tropical cyclones form every year, of which two or three could be severe.

Cyclones occur frequently on both the Coasts the West Coast —Arabian Sea; and the East Coast —Bay of Bengal. More Cyclones occur in the Bay of Bengal than in the Arabian Sea and the ratio is approximately An analysis of the frequency of cyclones on the East and West Coasts of India between and shows that nearly cyclones occurred 92 severe in a 50 km wide strip on the East Coast. Less severe cyclonic activity has been noticed on the West Coast, with 33 cyclones occurring in the same period, out of which 19 of these were severe.

In India, Tropical cyclones occur in the months of May-June and October-November. The cyclones of severe intensity and frequency in the north Indian Ocean are bi-modal in character, with their primary peak in November and secondary peak in May. The disaster potential is particularly high at the time of landfall in the north Indian Ocean Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea due to the accompanying destructive wind, storm surges and torrential rainfall. Of these, storm surges are the greatest killers of a cyclone, by which sea water inundates low lying areas of coastal regions and causes heavy floods, erodes beaches and embankments, destroys vegetation and reduces soil fertility.

In the hilly terrain of India including the Himalayas, landslides have been a major and widely spread natural disasters that often strike life and property and occupy a position of major concern. One of the worst tragedies took place at Malpa Uttrakhand on 11th and 17th August, When nearly people were killed when massive landslides washed away the entire village. This included 60 pilgrims going to Lake. Mansarovar in Tibet. In Cloud burst led flash mudslides and flash floods killed people, including 6 foreigners and injured more than and swept away number of houses, sweeping away buildings, bus stand and military installations in trans-Himalaya Leh town of Jammu and Kashmir. Giving due consideration to the severity of the problem various land reform measures have been initiated as mitigation measures.

Landslides occur in the hilly regions such as the Himalayas, North-East India, the Nilgiris, and Eastern and Western Ghats. Avalanches are river like speedy flow of snow or ice descending from the mountain tops. Avalanches are very damaging and cause huge loss to life and property. In Himalayas, avalanches are common in Drass, Pir Panijat, Lahaul-Spiti and Badrinath areas. As per Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment SASE , of Defence Research and Development Organisation DRDO , on an average around 30 people are killed every year due to this disaster in various zones of the Himalayas. Beside killing people, avalanches also damage the roads and others properties and settlements falling in its way.

Tsunami, or seismic sea waves, are large ocean waves generated by impulses from geophysical events occurring on the ocean floor or along the coastline, such as earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions. Mostly occurring in the Pacific Ocean, tsunamis, although hardly noticeable at sea, can reach gigantic proportions as they reach shallow, coastal waters. In Hawaii and Japan, for example, tsunamis have been known to reach 30 m in height. At least 22 countries along the rim of the Pacific are estimated to beat risk from potential tsunami. The fact that tsunamis can travel 10, km at velocities exceeding km per hour with little loss of energy and are, therefore, capable of hitting areas not directly affected by the inducing event, has led to the establishment of a tsunami early warning service for the whole circum-Pacific area.

However, only a few of the 22 countries most at risk are considered to have standard operating procedures for immediate evacuation or reliable, rapid communication systems capable of receiving real-time warnings from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre. About 6,people have been killed by tsunami during alone. Probably the best documented of these events is the occurrence at Noshiro, Japan, in which caused approximately deaths and extensive property damage and flooding. The tsunami Dec. Tsunamis have multiple origin— Over past two thousand years there have been 10, 00, deaths attributed to tsunami in the Pacific region alone. Earlier Pacific Tsunami warning system was established for forecasting the event. Judged by the frequency with which they cause damage and by the surface area of the regions they strike, windstorms can be said to be the most significant of all natural hazards.

Windstorms influence precipitation systems floods and, most importantly, cause severe destruction to crops and properties. Today increasing attention is being paid to windstorms, particularly tropical cyclones as some scientists see their incidence as being a possible indicator of global climatic change and predict an increase in their frequency. Have tropical cyclone frequencies or their intensities increased with global changes throughout the last century? However, global listings of disasters rarely include those which occur in small states such as island states, which in areas such as the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and South Pacific are particularly prone to tropical cyclones.

This is because listings often set a criteria based on magnitude of impact with which small states cannot compete against larger countries. However, the proportional impact upon small states is often far greater in terms of population, housing and economics. The impact of cyclones goes far beyond just deaths and building damage. In developing countries destruction of infrastructure and primary agriculture can lead to a decrease in exports and gross national product, while increasing the likelihood of forfeiture of international loan repayments. Contamination of water supplies and destruction of crops can also lead to disease and starvation.

Many mid-latitude cyclonic depressions can give rise to exceptionally heavy rain and widespread flooding and snow fall too. Dust storms are windstorms accompanied by suspended clay, silt materials, usually but not always without precipitation. Average million tonnes of dust are entrained by winds each year. Severe windstorms with high level of flush rain often called thunderstorms associated with lightning, hail and tornadoes cause massive destruction of properties and also human lives through out the world. Early warning and emergency relief operation are the major management activity. Forest or bush fire, though not causing much loss to human life, is a major hazard for forest cover in the country. As per Forest Survey of India report, 50 per cent of the forest cover of the country is fire prone, out of which 6.

Average annual physical loss due to forest fire in the country is estimated to worth Rs. The major loss due to forest fire is caused to the environment which gets adversely affected by this calamity.

Natural Disasters Essay for Students in English,500+ Words Essay on Natural Disasters

WebJan 16,  · Natural disasters are major unpredicted events that have harmful effects on our society. They are severe, and they damage everything in their surrounding space. WebNatural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, typhoons, and hurricanes inflict serious damage and so seem to be bad for the economy. For firms, natural disasters destroy WebNatural Disasters are never a good thing. In areas where they happen, they affect everything in a negative way. They can destroy whole town, cities, the economy, infrastructure, and WebDec 6,  · The world witnessed several natural disasters that clam millions and millions of human lives every year. Natural disasters such as volcanic eruption, earthquake and WebJan 25,  · Nature possesses the character of a special balance in which all living beings live together in harmony with their environment. But whenever this balance is disturbed, Web+ Words Essay on Natural Disasters. A natural disaster is defined as an event of nature, which overwhelms local resources and threatens the function and safety of the ... read more

All the residents in An editorial written by New York Times public editor Clark Hoyt and a piece written by doctoral candidate Manoucheka Celeste both examine the ethics behind publishing graphic images of natural disasters. The recovery from a natural disaster requires adequate support and funding, as well as an efficient team to aid in the rescue of people and restoration of disaster-struck areas. One of the most recent tsunamis on the 26th of December, that hit the Indian Ocean resulted in several deaths. According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies a disaster is a sudden, calamitous event that seriously disrupts the functioning of a community or society and causes human, material, and economic or environmental losses that exceed the

We have tried to essays on natural disasters the basic character of the Human-Nature relationship with every metric of development being centred on financial interest and the rise of global consumerism. Introduction Natural hazard refers to catastrophic events or phenomenon of atmospheric, geological, and hydrological origins that can cause fatalities, property damage, social environmental disruption and can indirectly cause social grievances and resource scarcities. There is thus a need to look at disasters from a development perspective as well, essays on natural disasters. n,void f. Natural disasters are those of which tragedies no one is able to control. The silica poor volcanoes called basaltic volcanoes, while the silica rich volcanoes are andesitic volcanoes. Each piece uniquely examines different perspectives of the issue, allowing readers to come to

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