Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Essay about ethics

Essay about ethics

Ethics and Morality, Essay Example,Long and Short Essay on Ethics in English for Children and Students

WebEthics are best described as systematic moral principles that generally defines what is good for individuals and for the society. It is well known as moral principles. They will affect WebNov 18,  · Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. An ethic is a moral philosophy by which one should abide. My belief is that ethics are a code of integrity and because of WebEthics is a concept derived from an individual’s religion, philosophies or culture, forming a collection of moral principles carrying out the manner in which a person WebAccording to White (), ethics is defined as the segment in philosophy concerned with right and wrong and other issues related to human conduct (p. 14). Morality is defined as WebEthics is a kind of intangible thing that is even difficult to describe. One can only realize this. This discipline offers many research opportunities – there is business, religious, social, ... read more

So, God would be the sole decision-maker on what is good or bad. This would mean that morality, which is believed to be individual behavior based on personal standards of good or bad, would not exist anymore. Free will would not exist either. So, the philosophical lesson learned from this dialogue is one of reason and morality. Morality determines individual actions. Individuals must reason to determine what is moral and what is not. Morality is essential to life. Whether or not a person believes in God does not give that person reason to act in a manner which is morally irresponsible. Plato argues that the just man is happier because by making just decisions he instills order in his life.

The just man has a well-ordered soul and bases all his decisions on reason. If the just man forgoes reason to do something which is unjust, he will contaminate his well-ordered soul. This would result in inner turmoil. This chaos would translate into unhappiness. So, the unjust man would eventually become incredibly unhappy, despite all he has gained by acting unjustly. Reason and knowledge set the conditions for a just and happy soul because it defies any reason for unjust behavior. In western society most people have good moral standards. Our behavior is guided by our moral standards. When a situation arises where we stand to gain something by acting unjustly, we are forced to examine our morality. Through reason and knowledge about consequences and right and wrong, we can make a sound decision based on our individual moral ideals Nails, If our moral are sound, we make a decision that is just and we feel good about that decision.

This results in a happy soul. Aristotle describes function of man as the rational pursuit of virtue. Virtue is described as that which is good; however, in this pursuit, one must first identify what is good. Aristotle argues that good is not just good. Ultimate good is the higher good, the good that is more desirable than any other good. In order to be the highest good, Aristotle names three qualities: it must be desirable for itself, it is not desirable for the sake of another good, and all other goods are considered desirable for its sake Kraut, He argues that humans live to attain the ultimate good. In other words, man lives to attain the utmost well-being. Money, health, etc. are mere tools to obtain the goal of well-being.

He argues that happiness happens when man does something to reach his highest goal of well-being. Happiness is not a state of well-being, but rather the pursuit of it. A person will therefore not be truly happy unless he or she actively seeks well-being. Good deeds are the result of good morals. Some of the most notable philosophers of modern history all agree that in order to be a good moral agent, one must have solid ethical knowledge. Strong ethics establishes a framework for admirable moral conduct. It teaches the individual the difference between right and wrong, and the value and consequences of all decisions.

Without a moral framework, a person will not understand the difference between right and wrong. Not understanding the difference between right and wrong will result in unjust behavior that will be harmful to the individual and those around him. Morality and knowledge of ethics pertains to all aspects of live and influences each and every decision. Combs, B. It has also been used in creating partnerships between businesses and communities that help alleviate poverty amongst the poor. Finally, the approach has been used in designing and availing of market specific products that will meet the needs of the majority in the group. For Example, the products are packaged in small sizes that the poor can afford based on their income levels. The BOP approach does not compromise on business profits in the name of making the world a better place rather it tries to benefit all the parties involved.

There are controversies surrounding the BOP approach and its application in solving problems in the world. Those in support of the approach argue that the firms will make their profit while at the same time empowering the poor and meeting their needs. Those against the approach argue that the approach is a mirage. The efforts of the companies will either be profitable and not socially beneficial or socially beneficial but not profitable to the organizations. The BOP approach becomes an enormous problem because almost all businesses operate with the aim of making a profit. This is with the exceptions of some organizations such as non- governmental organizations that aim at other goals.

There are few if any private organizations that provide socially useful goods at the BOP markets and still operate at a large scale. The controversy in the BOP approach is also seen in that the poor are vulnerable due to limited information and education in addition to social, economic and cultural deprivations. The vulnerabilities mean that they can be easily exploited by businesses even those that have adopted the BOP. For example, the poor spend a significant percentage of their income on alcohol and tobacco, although this is a BOP opportunity that is profitable to the firms, it has negative results for the society. In other cases, the controversy is seen in that the results of the BOP approach may not necessary be negative, rather they might be dubious with no real benefits to the society.

Since they are profit driven, they market and entice the poor into buying their products that in some cases do not fall within their priority needs. For example, spending on beauty products is of lower priority to the poor while spending on health care and nutrition is of higher priority. Question 1 Freedom of speech is a human right. Every human being deserves the right to express what they want without being censored. They have the right to receive, seek and impart information, ideas in different mediums as they desire. Although the right is universally recognized its application is not absolute and differs from country to country.

Every corporate has the responsibility of preserving the freedom of speech of the stakeholders they interact with. This includes employees, investors, public and clients. For example, the employees have the freedom of speech and can seek information regarding their terms of employment with the company. The employees can communicate with each other when deciding on the best way to negotiate with their employer. Another human right is the freedom of religion, conscience and thought. Every human being has the right to choose or change their religion or belief and also the freedom to practice, teach, observe or worship. For example, every person has the right to choose the religion they will follow such as Christianity, Muslim and Hinduism among others. For example, employees and suppliers have the right to decide what beliefs to uphold.

Every corporate has the responsibility of ensuring that this freedom is not violated when conducting their business. Recruitments, promotions and assignments of tasks for employees should not be biased based on their religious choices. This right means that employees and suppliers cannot be discriminated based on the choice of beliefs they observe or practice. Equal treatment should be accorded to all regardless of whether their religious beliefs agree or disagree with those of their leaders. The corporate should be neutral and avoid taking sides when it comes to religious matters so as not to be perceived as being partisan in their operations.

The precautionary principle holds that in the absence of scientific consensus regarding the suspected environmental or public harm that might be caused by an action or a policy, those taking the action bear the burden of proving that there is no harm. The principle is especially applicable in cases where there is insufficient information regarding a particular action. When actions are suspected to pose some form of risk to the public research and studies, need to be conducted in order to create a deeper understanding of the matter before the protecting measures can be relaxed. The primary idea behind the principle is that whenever there is an a plausible risk resulting from the scientific investigation, then protecting the public from harm is a social responsibility. Environmental concerns are an issue where the precautionary principle is applied.

For example, the development and introduction of products that have the potential of harming the environment are guided by this principle. The development of organism such as genetically modified organisms is aimed at providing human beings with many benefits including alleviating hunger. However, the introduction of such organism may result in some negatives such as threatening biodiversity. The precautionary principle is applied, in this case, to ensure that the possible harm is explored extensively before the adoption of the organism in the environment. The people who develop such organisms have the responsibility of proving that the organisms will not cause threats to the environment as well as to humans. The developers will have to provide scientific facts gained through research that show that the organisms they have developed will not harm the environment or show that possible risks can be successfully mitigated.

The change in behavior occurs to the favor of the giver. The bribery can be immediate or in the form of a promise to pay later. The parties involved in a bribery crime can be found guilty of the crime regardless of who initiated the action and also independently of each other. In addition, it is not necessary to have a written agreement in order to prove the crime of bribery. One of the reasons why companies should not engage in bribery is because it creates a conflict of interest. The officer who has been bribed is compromised and cannot discharge his responsibilities as he should because he has to accommodate the interests of the party that has bribed them.

When companies engage in bribery, their image is tainted. Relativistic Ethics : As per this, everything is equal. Each individual has the right to analyze the situation and form his own version of right and wrong. The advocates of this theory strongly believe that what may be right for one person may not be correct for the other. Also what is correct in certain situation may not be appropriate in the other. Consequential Ethics : During the age of Enlightenment, there was a quest for rationalism. This category of ethics is associated with that quest. As per some, ethics are the values that must be taught since childhood and that one must strictly abide by them.

A person who defies these is considered to be ethically wrong. Some people are quite rigid about following the ethical codes. They constantly judge others based on their behaviour. On the other hand, there are people who are flexible about the same and believe that these can be altered to some extent based on the situation. Now, the basic code of conduct and ethics expected from individuals is almost the same across nations. However, there may be certain ethical behaviours that may be right as per certain cultures but not accepted in others. For instance, in the Western countries women have the freedom to wear any kind of dress they want but in many of the eastern countries wearing short dresses is considered ethically wrong. There are various schools of thoughts that have their own versions of ethics.

Many people go by the norms of right and wrong others make their own version. Ethics define the way a person should behave in any given situation. They are embedded in us from our childhood and almost every decision we make in our life is largely influenced by our ethical values. Ethics hold immense importance in both our personal and professional life. A person who holds high ethical values, truly believes in them and follows them would be much more sorted as compared to those who follow the set ethical norms but do not really believe in the same. Then, there is yet another category of people — those who do not believe in the ethical norms and thus do not follow them.

These may be a cause of disruption of peace in the society. The minds of the people are conditioned as per the accepted moral and ethical values existent in the society they are brought up in. The importance of ethics cannot be undermined. A child needs to be taught what behaviour is accepted in the society and what is not from the very beginning in order for him to live in harmony with the society. This system has basically been put in place so that people know how to act right and maintain peace and harmony in the society. Taking decisions becomes easier for people as the right and wrong has already been defined.

Imagine if the right doings and wrong doings were not defined, everyone would act as per their will based on their own versions of right and wrong. This would make things chaotic and give rise to crime. Maintaining ethical conduct is extremely important at work place. Besides the basic ethics and values defined by the society, every organization determines its set of ethical values. Every individual working in that organization must follow them to maintain the code of conduct. Setting these workplace ethics helps in smooth functioning of the organization. Any employee seen violating the ethical code is issued warning letter or penalized in different ways based on the severity of the issue. In case of absence of the set ethical codes in an organization, things are likely to become chaotic and unmanageable.

It is thus essential for every organization to set these norms. Ethical codes in an organization do not only help in ensuring good work environment but also teach the employees as how to deal with the clients in different situations. Setting an ethical code for the society as well as at work places and other institutions is essential. It helps the people recognize as to what is right and what is wrong and encourages them to behave the right way. Ethics are defined as a system that determines what is right or wrong. This system has been built to ensure the well-being of individuals and society as a whole. A person possessing high ethical values is the one who conforms to the ethical norms set by the society without questioning them.

Ethics and moral values are usually used interchangeably. However, there is a difference between the two.

Paper Types. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. According to White , ethics is defined as the segment in philosophy concerned with right and wrong and other issues related to human conduct p. Morality is defined as a system of behavior based on standards of right and wrong. Ethical knowledge is a necessary condition for becoming a moral agent because it establishes a foundation and a framework on which to base moral decisions. It serves as a guide to moral behavior based on the knowledge of right and wrong. If a person does not have a moral framework to follow, he or she will not be adequately equipped with the knowledge between right and wrong.

Although morality is often innate, it is still necessary to have a strong ethical foundation to be an effective moral agent. Philosopher Immanuel Kant, gained fame for his work which propagated respect for one another. According to Kant, there is a positive linear relationship between personal needs and self-love. In other words, a person who needs something will rely on others for help Janaway, Those who provide the help do so because they feel morally obligated. Where then does the moral obligation stem from? The Euthyphro asks whether something that is morally good is commanded by God because it is morally good, or is it morally good because God commanded it Combs, This dialogue is philosophically important because it addresses the issue of morality from the perspective of theists as well as atheists.

In other words, it created a debate as to the proper definition of morality. Socrates argued that the pious is not the same as those loved by God. The Euthyphro does not define the pious, which is what it initially aimed to do; instead it gives characteristics of the pious. In order to identify the philosophical lessons learned from this debate, it is essential to identify the dilemma associated with the debate. It can be divided into two separate issues: a is what is commanded by God commanded by Him because it is right, and b is something right because it is commanded by God? Socrates agreed with this viewpoint. Therefore, God is not sovereign. Theists therefore find this approach unacceptable. It would therefore mean that God would have no impact on morality and would therefore play no important role in human morality.

Theists argue that this negates the existence of God and therefore disagree with this viewpoint. Non-theists use this argument to deny the existence of God by claiming that if morality exists independently from God, then God is not needed to establish moral foundations, and therefore does not exist; or at least, does not need to exist. The second part of the dilemma asks if something is right because it is commanded by God. This option argues that morality will not exist if God does not exist. In other words, without the moral guidance and existence of God, morality would cease to exist and nothing would be right or wrong.

Voluntarists argue that something is good because God allows it and is bad or wrong because God prohibits it. This would mean than morality is subjective, judged by God, and determined by Him. Also, if this is true, then God is not just or rational. So, God would be the sole decision-maker on what is good or bad. This would mean that morality, which is believed to be individual behavior based on personal standards of good or bad, would not exist anymore. Free will would not exist either. So, the philosophical lesson learned from this dialogue is one of reason and morality. Morality determines individual actions. Individuals must reason to determine what is moral and what is not.

Morality is essential to life. Whether or not a person believes in God does not give that person reason to act in a manner which is morally irresponsible. Plato argues that the just man is happier because by making just decisions he instills order in his life. The just man has a well-ordered soul and bases all his decisions on reason. If the just man forgoes reason to do something which is unjust, he will contaminate his well-ordered soul. This would result in inner turmoil. This chaos would translate into unhappiness. So, the unjust man would eventually become incredibly unhappy, despite all he has gained by acting unjustly. Reason and knowledge set the conditions for a just and happy soul because it defies any reason for unjust behavior.

In western society most people have good moral standards. Our behavior is guided by our moral standards. When a situation arises where we stand to gain something by acting unjustly, we are forced to examine our morality. Through reason and knowledge about consequences and right and wrong, we can make a sound decision based on our individual moral ideals Nails, If our moral are sound, we make a decision that is just and we feel good about that decision. This results in a happy soul. Aristotle describes function of man as the rational pursuit of virtue. Virtue is described as that which is good; however, in this pursuit, one must first identify what is good.

Aristotle argues that good is not just good. Ultimate good is the higher good, the good that is more desirable than any other good. In order to be the highest good, Aristotle names three qualities: it must be desirable for itself, it is not desirable for the sake of another good, and all other goods are considered desirable for its sake Kraut, He argues that humans live to attain the ultimate good. In other words, man lives to attain the utmost well-being. Money, health, etc. are mere tools to obtain the goal of well-being. He argues that happiness happens when man does something to reach his highest goal of well-being. Happiness is not a state of well-being, but rather the pursuit of it. A person will therefore not be truly happy unless he or she actively seeks well-being.

Good deeds are the result of good morals. Some of the most notable philosophers of modern history all agree that in order to be a good moral agent, one must have solid ethical knowledge. Strong ethics establishes a framework for admirable moral conduct. It teaches the individual the difference between right and wrong, and the value and consequences of all decisions. Without a moral framework, a person will not understand the difference between right and wrong. Not understanding the difference between right and wrong will result in unjust behavior that will be harmful to the individual and those around him. Morality and knowledge of ethics pertains to all aspects of live and influences each and every decision.

Combs, B. Austin: The University of Texas at Austin. Janaway, C. Necessity, Responsibility and Character: Schopenhauer on Freedom of the Will. Kantian Review, 17 3 , Kraut, R. Nails, D. The People of Plato: A Prosopography of Plato and Other Socratics. New York: Hackett Publishing. White, T. Discovering Philosophy. Institutional Discrimination, Research Paper Example. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a. We're now sending you a link to download your e-book, please check your e-mail.

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Get a Free E-Book! Ethics and Morality, Essay Example. Pages: 5 Words: Essay. This Essay was written by one of our professional writers. Need a custom Essay written for you? HIRE A WRITER! The Euthyphro The Euthyphro asks whether something that is morally good is commanded by God because it is morally good, or is it morally good because God commanded it Combs,

Good Essay About Ethics Exam Questions,Long and Short Essay on Ethics in English

WebNov 18,  · Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. An ethic is a moral philosophy by which one should abide. My belief is that ethics are a code of integrity and because of WebFeb 16,  · Ethics is a system of moral principles or the moral values that influence the proper conduct of an individual or group. The term originated from the Greek word ‘ethos’ WebEthics are best described as systematic moral principles that generally defines what is good for individuals and for the society. It is well known as moral principles. They will affect WebEthics is a concept derived from an individual’s religion, philosophies or culture, forming a collection of moral principles carrying out the manner in which a person WebAccording to White (), ethics is defined as the segment in philosophy concerned with right and wrong and other issues related to human conduct (p. 14). Morality is defined as WebEthics is a kind of intangible thing that is even difficult to describe. One can only realize this. This discipline offers many research opportunities – there is business, religious, social, ... read more

I will provide my reasoning. Ethics are moral beliefs, values, or principles and ideas that govern our way through life determining what is right or wrong in society. Ethics Social Norms. It can be viewed as the rights and wrongs that people deal with day to day. In order to be the highest good, Aristotle names three qualities: it must be desirable for itself, it is not desirable for the sake of another good, and all other goods are considered desirable for its sake Kraut, One of the reasons why companies should not engage in bribery is because it creates a conflict of interest. Short Essay on Work is Worship.

Relativistic Ethics : As per this, everything is equal. The concept is simple however since each human being is different from the other hence it can be a cause of conflict at times. Custom Writing. School leaders have the Arkansas Code of Ethics to guide them in determining what is ethical behavior but even better than that, God has provided us with clear guidance as to what is ethical and what is not, essay about ethics. When we aim at essay about ethics, we do Ethics have been taught to us by our elders, who learned their wisdom from their elders and so on throughout civilization.

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